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Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (7)

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Helpful Google DocsDec 13, 2019 5:19:45 GMT

Post by Fabell on Dec 13, 2019 5:19:45 GMT

Hey everyone. If you know of some helpful Google docs could you put them here so other players could easily find and access them?

Character fragments and soul consumption

Bejda's comprehensive doc (skills, arks, and units)

I will add other docs to the main post if you reply with a link, as well as sticky this post so it remains at the top. I don't usually have access to Google Docs because of where I use the internet, so you can also reply to this thread if any of the current docs are not updated anymore or have mostly out-of-date information, so I can move them to the bottom of the list.

Last Edit: Dec 24, 2019 2:20:26 GMT by Fabell

Add me! 180-859-283

Main: Lukiel with more than 1k STR/INT (Fast Brave, Fast Aura, Galaxy)

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Helpful Google DocsDec 14, 2019 20:58:39 GMTFabell likes this

Post by Bejda on Dec 14, 2019 20:58:39 GMT

Original reddit post from zolares:

[Spreadsheet] Demystifying Last Cloudia's Skills, Arks, Units, and Equipment self.lastcloudia

​Update 12/26/19 - Added Unit: Phantom Thief Robin; Arks: Great Temple Maja and Aldana Colosseum; New Skills; New Equipment from new event.

Update 12/13/19 - Added Unit: Romel; Arks: Phoenix Blow and Temple of Grana Daria; New Skills; New Equipment from new story update.

Update 11/27/19 - Added Collection of Mana update, including the surprising Moonlit Murder Ark.

Hey guys,

As you all may have noticed, Last Cloudia doesn't have the best descriptions in Gacha Games which leads to a LOT of repeated questions.

Luckily, there's a JP Datamine of the game which does answer a large portion of questions... however, the entire datamine is in Japanese and it's quite overwhelming to use.

Therefore, to avoid the need to constantly translate and to jot down notes, I started a Spreadsheet of my own and it... grew.

Here's the link to the Spreadsheet:

Essentially, it has 4 main areas of interest:

Skills - All the skills currently in the GL version of the game (including those exclusive to Units), therefore it uses all GL names and descriptions. Names, SC, and MP are sortable. But the main thing is that I've added in a Notes column where I attempt to fill in the missing information for Skills, such as % rates, values, and etc. Sadly, I have no knowledge of the Damage Formula and the Healing Formula, so Attack Magic and Healing Magic are left untouched. But for the rest, I have included Notes that should answer most questions related to the Skills. Besides the info from the datamine, the Notes column also includes my own personal Test Results. Finally, there's a row of who has the Skill, both Units and Arks. Each of the Unit and Ark has a Note attached to it which tells you more info.
Equipment - This should be all the equipment currently in the GL version of the game. It's completely sortable, by stats, attributes, resistances, and etc. So you can easily find which Armor has the highest INT or which sword has the highest STR. Furthermore, it also has a Notes column where I filled in the missing data, such as Proc Rates and % Damage increased. Additionally, the Notes section also includes my own Tests.
Arks - This contains every Ark in the game. It's Stats are also sortable. Additionally, I have added in Columns for it's Abilities and wrote down the official Description, along with what it REALLY means behind the scenes. Trust me, there's a few abilities that you're far far far off the mark from if you didn't look at the datamine. I didn't add in a Notes column for this, since it would have needed too many of those columns. Instead, I wrote these extra Skill Data Info, plus my test results, directly beneath the description and made it Bold.
Units - Same, EVERYTHING is sortable. It also includes commonly asked stuff like the unit's base crit rate and etc. The columns to the far-right is where the messy fun lies. It's the Unit's Skills and Traits, and I've done my best to include what I can. However, due to not knowing the Damage formula, I decided not to include any numbers related to Damage because it's much more useless without the numbers. Instead, it would have taken WAY too much room. So if you really want to look at the Damage % increases, it's best to check out the JP Datamine instead. Anyway, besides the Skill's data, I've also written down what type of Attack is it, whether it uses INT, STR, or both. I also included the Break Power which is how much damage your Unit will deal to the Boss's Break Bar. Keep in mind that against regular monsters, this is also used to Faint an enemy. The higher the better, but don't just look at numbers... you should also look at the SCT, which is how long it takes for a Skill to be loaded up.
So basically, this spreadsheet serves 3 roles:

Make everything sortable
Include the hidden descriptions only found in JP datamine
Serve as a Notepad for me to jot down my Test Results
Honestly, I made this for myself... therefore, at the FAR end, you'll find sheets that holds my Farming progress. Please ignore those, since it's just a History Log for me and cannot be used for anyone else. I simply have it in the Spreadsheet, since I'd rather not open so many spreadsheets.

I expect most of you who choose to use this spreadsheet to Make a Copy of it for yourself, since that's the only way for you to Sort the data.

Anyway, hope this helps someone.

Oh, one last thing. This is meant ONLY for GL content, so there's nothing in there for unreleased content that's in JP. Main reason is due to Naming reasons. I'll simply update the Spreadsheet when new content comes out, instead of using Google Translated names of JP Units and Arks. I'll also update the whole spreadsheet if a GL Datamine is ever discovered.

Last Edit: Dec 29, 2019 5:40:27 GMT by Bejda

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (11)
PokkleSame Grandmaster

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (12)

Posts: 46

Helpful Google DocsDec 17, 2019 1:37:04 GMTFabell likes this

Post by Bejda on Dec 17, 2019 1:37:04 GMT

Original reddit post from Throne511:

If anyone has played FFBE you may have come across the unit builder there. Well I'm happy to announce that Version 1 of the LC unit builder is up. @potato on discord did all of the formula work and some data gathering while I helped with ideas and data gathering(@throne on discord)Heres the link:

You just need to make a copy of the sheet to use it. Enjoy Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (13)

Also if anything isnt working let me know, we already know the icons are broken. Sheets doesnt like those.

Edit: Also note that mp values might be skewed a little higher because we had to use jp unit lvl data due to there not being any Gl data and Gl had an mp nerf

Update 31/12/19~
Version 2.0 of the Unit Builder/Ark and Skill Search/Time Management sheet is officially out.

The first large sheet update is finally here

A new comprehensive sheet guide has been added

Brand new Ark and Skill time management pages have been added- 2 new tabs that will let you plan out your orb usage with customizable generator settings and more.

A new custom ark list with corresponding checkboxes on relevant tabs -Will now allow you to impart ark and ether restrictions according to your current collection as well as providing a more streamline experience on the new time management tabs

Unit Builder tab has been revamped, now with a condensed build view for easy viewing and sharing.

Saintly Theria , Phantom Thief Robin, Eliza and Lanceveil unit information added
New Arks Wishes on a Holy Night, Aldana Colosseum, Great Temple Maja and Kaldina the Great added.

An assortment of new gear added

Heres the link

Enjoy : )

Last Edit: Jan 1, 2020 1:50:41 GMT by Bejda

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (14)
PokkleSame Grandmaster

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (15)

Posts: 46

Helpful Google DocsDec 23, 2019 23:39:33 GMT

Post by Bejda on Dec 23, 2019 23:39:33 GMT

Original reddit post from Metaphorical_Lurker:

Crystal/lites drop rates,latest 13 star HARD mode maps (12/21/19 update)


Info credits:

Because I could not easily extract the data from this link, and I had some spare time in the office, I decided to do up a nice looking chart for all the latest 13 star HARD mode maps.

If you need specific elements, look out for the bold numbers.

If you don't know what you specifically need, just go with the Total on the right hand side which is a low level summation of the entire row so you get as many drops as possible.

Hope this becomes a little more digestible than to sieve through the HUGE (but very informative) list. Give the credited link above an upvote for visibility!

EDIT: So for example, I now need Red and Blue Crystals, specifically. Then from this list obviously Desert: A Search With No Resupplies/Beasts Under The Desert is where I want to farm at. (The latter is actually a little more efficient)


Last Edit: Dec 24, 2019 0:13:39 GMT by Bejda

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (17)
PokkleSame Grandmaster

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (18)

Posts: 46

Helpful Google DocsDec 23, 2019 23:50:42 GMTFabell likes this

Post by Bejda on Dec 23, 2019 23:50:42 GMT

Above post source, from energynede:

New drops Spreadsheet translation
The story updates have invited a lot of questions about all the new stages, what they drop, and if there are new places to farm. There's the JP drops sheet that contains everything we have, but it's a tough read if you don't understand the language. The last attempt to translate this sheet (to the best of my knowledge) seems to have stopped without much more than machine translations, so I ended up using my incredibly weak knowledge of Japanese to create a new, accurate version. All credit goes to the original creator(s) of the JP sheet, of course.

Here's the sheet. It's a shared doc, now! (Last Update: December 21st, 2019)

Some notes:
The sheet contains only currently available, permanent and farmable stages. Sub stories, event stages, and stages without drops have been omitted. Newly released content should be up within a day or two after release.

All item/stage names should be accurate to the game, spelling mistakes and all. If there's any variation, let me know and I'll have it fixed ASAP. Same thing for any weird formatting things that may have slipped through the cracks.

Soul drops for unit stages aren't added yet, except for the two units (Robin and Blood Rose) who can be farmed from other characters' stages. As a general rule, unit souls drop from their respective unit's story stages at a 1-4% rate, depending on the number of actual battles they have and the difficulty of said battles.

Unit Story stage names aren't translated for the most part, because I don't have every unit/story unlocked, and I can't cross-reference the game for the names. If you have the in-game names, post them here and I'll add them as soon as I see/verify them.

Yes, Dragoneyes allegedly have a 14% chance of dropping from Transcendence Gate Nightmare. I'm just as shocked as you are.

Other Sheets/Information:

/u/Metaphorical_Lurker made a sheet for Crystal/Crystallite drop rates (post above)

Individual Cluster drop rates by /u/Makai_Mural

SPOILER: Click to show

I did a quick list for myself according to this sheet, might as well share it :

Red Crystal Cluster:
Evria Ice Caverns - The Silent Ice Cavern 0.95%
Dara Desert - Continuing Along the Sand 0.82%
Dara Desert - Unbearable Heat 0.80%
Midra Forest - Hate for the Forest 0.74%

Blue Crystal Cluster:
Dara Desert - A Search With no Resupplies 0.95%
Lanzelia Mountains - The Raging Blizzard 0.82%
Underground Branda - The Seals on the Giant Stones 0.80%
Lanzelia Snow Plains - Traversing the Continent 0.75%
Midra Forest - Eastern Ruins in the Forest 0.75%

Green Crystal Cluster:
Gragia Mountains - Where's Medrone? 0.81%
Underground Branda - Be on your Guard for Traps 0.76%
Midra Forest - In the Eastern Forest 0.75
Midra Forest - Gathering Near Nectar 0.74%
Malboria Caverns - Stalactite Pillars 0.70%

Purple Crystal Cluster:
Lanzelia Snow Plains - A Missed Encounter 1.15%
Underground Branda - Ruins Eroded by Vegetation 0.95%
Midra Forest - Longed for Memories 0.75%
Midra Forest - Beast that Nest Near Humans 0.75%
Note : Hard mode only

Combined Cluster drop rates for stages that drop 3/4 colors by /u/energynede

SPOILER: Click to show

Here's combined rates for stages that drop 3 or 4 Clusters. All stages are on Hard. Top 3s for 3-Cluster stages and all 6 4-Cluster stages. The letters are Cluster colors in order of most to least common per stage. Bolded 3 Cluster stages have the best individual rates for the prioritized Cluster:


Gragia Mountains - An Echoing Voice (1.22%, P/B/G/R)
Malboria Caverns - The Clear Stream in the Cave (1.19%, G/B/P/R)
Malboria Caverns - Light Streaming from Above (1.08%, G/R/B/P)
Gragia Mountains - Commander's Shock (1.07%, P/G/B/R)
Underground Branda - Stones That Glitter in Ruin (1.01%, P/R/G/B)
Malboria Caverns - The Naturally Occurring Statue (0.79%, G/B/P/R)

Midra Forest - Eastern Ruins in the Forest: 1.43% (B/P/R)
Midra Forest - The First Setting: 1.41% (B/R/G)
Underground Branda - The Seals on the Giant Stones: 1.39% (B/P/G)

Midra Forest - The First Setting: 1.41% (R/B/G)
Midra Forest - Hate for the Forest: 1.39% (R/B/P)
Evria Ice Caverns - The Silent Ice Cavern: 1.23% (R/P/B)

Midra Forest - Longed-for Memories: 1.31% (P/B/R)
Underground Branda - Ruins Eroded by Vegetation: 1.19% (P/G/B)
Midra Forest - Ruins Covered by Greenery: 1.06% (P/G/R)

Underground Branda - Be On Your Guard for Traps: 1.21% (G/P/B)
Gragia Mountains - The Empire's Training Ground: 1.20% (G/B/R)
Midra Forest - Gathering Near Nectar: 1.19% (G/P/R)
Notes: The First Setting has the same rate for Red/Blue clusters (0.60% on both) so it's listed twice. I don't have much time today, so I'll put together 2-Cluster stages at some other time.

Last Edit: Dec 24, 2019 0:34:12 GMT by Bejda


Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (19)

Grinding grinding grinding

Posts: 104Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (20)

Add me! 180-859-283

Main: Lukiel with more than 1k STR/INT (Fast Brave, Fast Aura, Galaxy)



Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (21)

Fabell: btw I uploaded Forum avatars, so if you want you can pick an avatar from the game. Dec 22, 2019 1:50:54 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (22)

Squirrel: I may have got the snowy girl. Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (23)Dec 22, 2019 19:31:06 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (24)

Squirrel: Does anyone know what's all available in fps summon Dec 22, 2019 19:32:19 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (25)

Fabell: So far, I've gotten "The Large Hand of Time," as well as a soul shard for Dyne, and I've heard one player got an Etherion, so I believe that means the friend point summon contains everything in the game, including stuff that isn't in the Friend Point shop.Dec 24, 2019 1:54:19 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (26)

Primm: Merry Christmas! I just added a falling snow over the forum, Happy Holidays!Dec 24, 2019 10:10:45 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (27)

Primm: Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (28)Dec 24, 2019 10:10:51 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (29)

Bejda: Now *singing&whistling* ..snowflakes falling on my head..Dec 24, 2019 13:06:05 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (30)

Bejda: ..*keep falling on my headDec 24, 2019 13:07:24 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (31)

Bejda: 24, 2019 13:26:45 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (32)

Bejda: So that maybe i won't be the only one with that in mind all day long lolDec 24, 2019 13:27:31 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (33)

Squirrel: Merry Christmas everyone Dec 25, 2019 15:22:17 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (34)

Squirrel: Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (35)Dec 25, 2019 15:22:36 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (36)

Fabell: We need more active users posting stuff here. Any ideas good people?Jan 2, 2020 1:13:48 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (37)

Primm: I've just added a share and tweet button floating at the right side of the page, this might help everyone in sharing the forum through various social media platforms.Jan 3, 2020 3:33:25 GMT*

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (38)

Primm: Also, changed the recent threads layout.Jan 3, 2020 3:39:37 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (39)

Fabell: Primm Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (40) Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (41) Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (42)Jan 3, 2020 8:12:42 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (43)

Bejda: The 1/days training dungeon is currently available an unlimited timesJan 13, 2020 13:41:30 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (44)

Squirrel: Free 1 time refresh on tower per day... just pretend to post to twitter.Jan 29, 2020 15:04:00 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (45)

clouzer: HelloJan 30, 2020 5:01:24 GMT

Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (46)

Squirrel: hey clouzer Jan 30, 2020 12:18:03 GMT



Helpful Google Docs | Last Cloudia (2024)


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Name: Otha Schamberger

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