The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)

But They Have No Choice Tar Heels Drill to Stop Terp Who Might Not Play By ELDON MILLER. CHAPEL HILL Carolina's football team has geared its practices this week to coping with a man who may not even be on the field when the Tar Heels visit Maryland Saturday. The man is Dick Shiner. He is no phantom. He is a very capable Terrapin quarte vital, but fallible, Maryland football this season, Shiner, master of the forward pass, was injured in the Duke game last Saturday at Richmond.

He missed much of that game because of an injured hip, but did guide the Terrapins to two touchdowns and a temporary 12-10 lead in the second half. Duke won, 30- 12. His Absence Hurts. When Shiner was not in the lineup, Maryland's offense stalled. Three quarterbacks who his place could not fill the gap left by his absence.

Shiner has been working out in sweat clothes, but coach Tom Nugent already has declared his starting quarterback will be Mike Funk, a converted wingback who ran well as a Shiner replacement against the Blue Devils. Shiner's injury has been termed a "hip pointer" severe bruise which makes it difficult to run. The Terrapin trainer said the injury was more painful than GARY BLACK now co-starring ful, could and change that from Shiner's day to condition, So the big question at Maryland -and at Carolina- this week is: Will Dick Shiner really play Saturday? Carolina must assume he will. "We have no other alternative," coach Jim Hickey said Tuesday at UNC's weekly press conference. "We must get ready as if he were going to play." Emmett Cheek, Carolina assistant coach who has scouted Mary- THE SPORTS OBSERVER By Dick Herbert: Clarance Stasavich has a lot of friends and admirers all over the country and they are hoping he makes a full recovery from the heart attack that struck him Monday.

The news came as a shock to East Carolina and Greenville, where he has made a fine impression in the short time he has been there. Stas undoubtedly will have to slow down his pace somewhat once he is back on his feet, but that does not mean the program will be hurt a great deal. He can take some solace out of the fact Bill Dole at Davidson is back coaching after being hit hard several years ago. There is a lot of pressure in coaching, and even the most hearty are not i immune to its toll. Notre Dame and Kentucky were two of the teams that were beaten by a single point Saturday because they went for two-point conversions.

Kentucky lost to Auburn, 14-13, and Notre Dame lost to Purdue, 7-6. A placement kick would have meant a The option of one or two-point plays after a touchdown remains as one of the better rule innovations of recent years. Bobby Dodd of Georgia Tech always plays a cautious game. In the first half against LSU the Tech team trailed by 7-3 and had fourth down on the 3-yard line. Dodd went for a field goal and got it, probably figuring he would win, 9-7, with another one.

But Tech missed on both tries after that and went down to its third straight loss to the Tigers, Roger Staubach now is far ahead of George Mira as the leading candidate for the Heisman Trophy. Mira, the Miami star, has been off on his passing. Staubach has been spectacular for Navy. He completed his first 10 against Michigan on Saturday as the Middies won another impressively. Both Staubach and Mira will be in the area on Nov.

16, when Navy is at Duke and Miami is at Carolina. Test for Tigers Pass Defense Clemson is 0-3 already and will have to be ready for another tough opponent Saturday. Those who saw Georgia in a 27-7 victory over South Carolina say quarterback Larry Rakestraw is as fine a passer as you will see anywhere. The Clemson pass defense has had some weak moments so far and will have to eliminate them if the first victory is to be recorded. Rakestraw completed 13 of 19 against South Carolina and had 244 yards total offense.

It semed foolish last winter for the Cleveland Browns to fire Paul Brown and pay him $60,000 a season for not coaching. The move turned out to be a good one financially. The Browns are winning and on Saturday night attracted the largest crowd of its history, more than 84,000. Blanton Collier, who was not good enough to stay on at the University of Kentucky, now is the coach of the hottest team in professional football. One of the oddities of the final baseball averages show that both Hank Aaron and Dick Groat officially went to bat 631 times and each got 201 hits.

Their .319 averages tied for third place in the National League. The voting for the most-valuable-player award will concentrate on those two and Sandy Koufax. There is some reluctance on the part of some voters to give the honor to a pitcher. Size Not Always Important Earle Edwards is one football coach who does not pay a lot of attention to the weights of players. "It doesn't make much difference," he says, "if one team is a lot bigger than another.

The 1953 Michigan State team that I worked with went to the Rose Bowl and had only one player on the squad who weighed more than 200 pounds. It's how quick you are that counts." First major need of the Boston Red Sox, according to Manager Johnny Pesky, is for a top-flight catcher. Bob Tillman, whose pro career started in Raleigh, got a good trial this past season but did not quite live up to Pesky's expectations. He hits with good power but does not hit often enough. The New York Mets are looking for new cities for their working agreements.

That probably means they hope to shift from Raleigh. The State-Duke game here on Oct. may be a rematch of the 1957 battle when both came up to the game undefeated. They played to a 14-14 tie then the Wolfpack went on to win the conference championship. THE NEWS AND OBSERVER, RALEIGH, N.

C. Wednesday Morning, October 9, 1963 Rossi Top Yard Man In League 30 healthy running and EDDIE KESLER land, said the Tar Heels naturally will get a break if Shriner is not ready. "It definitely will be to our advantage," he said. Cheek, in discussing Maryland, said the Terrapins have used a 6-1 defense effectively the last two games and an "everything under the sun" offense. The Terrapins have been running from the SOcalled "shifty offense and introduced many variations against Duke.

"'He (Nugent) always gives you Lane Seeks $144,166 From Finley CHICAGO (AP), Frank Lane, former general manager of the Kansas City Athletics, filed suit in Federal Court Tuesday seeking $144,166 from Charles O. Finley, owner of the baseball team. Lane charged breach of contract, contending that he signed a contract Feb. 15, 1961, as general manager of the team until Dec. 31, 1964, and as a consultant for four additional years.

The suit said. Lane, 65, was discharged from his $25,000 a year job Aug. 20, 1961, and that no clause in the contract provided for a settlement upon his discharge. The petition said Lane's pay was reduced to $5,000 from May 1, 1962, until Oct. 31, 1962, and completely discontinued after that, although payments had been requested several times.

Lane was employed as general manager of the defunct Chicago Zephyrs basketball team from May 1, 1962 to April 30, 1963. UNCIs 3rd Among Pass Defenders NEW YORK-North Carolina is third among the top pass defending teams in the country, statistics released from here have revealed. The Tar Heels have averaged a mere 27 yards game to rival passers. Ohio University, with an 11- yard a game average, and Virginia Tech, with a 24.7 average, are ahead of Carolina. The Tar Heels have yielded 12 completions in 41 attempts for 81 total yards and a percentage of .235.

TOTAL OFFENSE Plays Yds. Avg. 1. Navy 210 1,275 425.0 3. Oregon Pittsburgh 204 226 1,221 1,249 407.0 416.0 West Texas St.

205 1,169 389.7 5. Oregon State 204 1,150 383.3 Bowling Green 223 1.142 380.7 Baylor 2 136 754 377.0 8. Wichita 128 740 374.0 9. Wisconsin 137 745 372.5 10. Texas 237 1,111 370.3 RUSHING OFFENSE Rushes Yds.

Avg. West Texas 172 903 301.0 2. Syracuse 162 832 277.3 Nebraska 167 817 272.3 Texas 190 817 272.3 5. Wisconsin 97 526 263.0 Princeton 122 519 259.5 7. Oklahoma 118 499 249.5 8.

Miami, Ohio 137 739 246.3 9. Air Force 148 29 243.0 10. Mississippi St 167 716 238.7 PASSING OFFENSE Att. com. Pet.

yds. avg. Navy 49 .742 723 241.0 2. N'western 74 38 .514 654 3. Rice 58 40 .517 32 216.0 Oregon .547 613 204.3 Baylor 390 195.0 Tulsa Pittsburgh 35 41 .614 .547 51 377 183.7 188.5 8.

Wichita .537 354 9. SMU .525 346 173.0 10. Wyoming .549 03 167.7 TOTAL DEFENSE Per Plays Yds. Game Harvard 100 209 104.5 Princeton 107 237 118.5 Georgia Tech 159 357 119.0 Nebraska 162 395 132.3 Ohio U. 160 419 139.7 ON Ohio Mississippi State 151 113 423 289 141.0 144.5 Bowling Green 127 434 144,.7 Florida 150 452 150.7 10.

Alabama 163 56 152.0 RUSHING DEFENSE Per Rushes yds. game 1. Princeton 172 87 43.5 Albama 105 155 51.7 3. Navy 103 159 53.0 Dartmouth 123 61.5 Harvard 126 63.0 Nebraska 105 191 63.7 Bowling Green 191 63.7 8. Mississippi 193 64.3 Florida 104 210 70.0 10.

Chio State 83 159 79.5 PASS DEFENSE Per Att.Com. Pct. Yds. Gam 1. Ohio V.

33 3 .091 33 11.0 2. Va. Tech 37 8 .216 74 24.7 3.N. Carolina 51 12 .235 81 27.0 4. Tex.

Western 22 .182 83 27.7 Ga. Tech 29 11 .379 92 30.7 Rutgers 18 .333 37.5 Harvard 10 .370 83 41.5 go VMI 35 .286 129 43.0 Citadel .325 135 45.0 10. Boston U. .378 142 47.3 something you haven't seen before," Cheek said. "He hasn't shown all he can yet this Statistically, Maryland played Duke and South Carolina "about even." Duke struck for 20 points in the final quarter.

South Carolina defeated the Terrapins, 21-13. Their first game was a 36-14 defeat at the hands of State. "They are improving with Cheek said. "If they have" Shiner, if they have (Darryl) Hill, if they have (Len) Chiaverini, they can beat about anybody they play." Hill, Cheek said, was a good, fast pass receiver, "but he's not tough in the line." Hill weighs only 165 pounds. He has caught 13 passes for 144 yards and one touchdown.

Chiaverini, the top Atlantic Coast Conference rusher last year, is, running well again with 158 yards in 46 carries. Carolina has yielded an average of only 27 yards a game passing to its three opponents- -Virginia, Michigan State Wake Forest. The Tar Heels are third, nationally, in that department. Coach Jim Hickey said he was pleased, but not misled. "Virginia did not throw much and Michigan State did not have UNC defeated Virginia, 11-7; 1 lost to Michigan State, 21-0, and whipped Wake, 21-0.

"I doubt that our pass defense is that good," Hickey added. Hickey noted improved blocking against Wake Forest "more after studying the game movies than I thought we had Saturday night." He also was very pleased with the work of fullbacks Eddie Kesler and Frank Bowman. "'The Wake game was the first one Kesler was physically sound in," he said. Kesler has 5.8-yard rushing average, with 101 yards in 17 carries. Halfback Ken Willard, the leading UNC rusher, has 124 yards in 36 runs.

Hickey also announced that quarterbacks Junior Edge and Gary Black "will play about equal time" against Maryland. Each will play both defensive. and offense when he's quarterbacking the team. "Both are too good defensively not to use," Hickey ex- not to use," Hickey plained. DICK SHINER play? will he DARRYL HILL speedy Terp back FOOT SPECIALISTS These State players are foot specialists, or would better to say they have special feet.

way each has played an important part Wolfpack's 3-0 record this season. Houtz. (left) is a punter. He has Stasavich Is Reported Satisfactory GREENVILLE (AP) Clarence Stasavich, East Carolina College head football coach and athletic director, spent a comfortable night and was reported in satisfactory condition Tuesday at Pitt Memorial Hospital. He was taken there Monday after suffering a heart attack.

The 50-year-old Stasavich may be hospitalized for three weeks and probably will spend three weeks or more resting at, home after leaving the hospital. Line coach Odell Welborn has taken over all of his duties in his absence. Suare Admits Flaws in Ram QB Rotation LOS ANGELES (AP) Coach Harland Svare of the Los Angeles Rams said Tuesday he has toyed with the idea of playing quarterback Terry Baker in his defensive backfield. But he's not ready to try it just yet. Svare was asked at a football writers' luncheon whether he had thought of playing Baker at a position other than quarterback just to get some use out of him.

"Yes," Svare said, "I have considered more times than one putting him on defense. But I want to wait a while yet." Svare, whose club meets the Chicago Bears here Sunday, said he is not altogether satisfied with his quarterback rotation system. "We knew at the start it might not be the best way," he said. "It's probably hurting the quarterbacks a little. They might not throw as well as if they played all the time.

But at least we're getting our plays in the game all Roman Gabriel, former State quarterback from Wilmington, N. and Zeke Bratkowski are other quarterbacks who figure in the Ram shuffle system. Cepeda Loves Privacy And 'Happy Marriage' SAN FRANCISCO (AP)-Orlan- do Cepeda signed a divorce complain, found out divorce proceedings aren't private, reconciled with his wife and now, less than 24 hours after the bizarre chain of events began, they "are as happy as the day they were married." Cepeda, first baseman for the San Francisco Giants, steered clear of reporters most of the day. But his attorney, Marvin Lewis, and court records filled in the story. Cepeda signed the complaint Monday night in Lewis' office, the Foresee Sellout For State-UNC CHAPEL HILL Carolina athletic department officials Tuesday said they anticipated a sellout crowd of more than 42,000 for the UNC-State game at Kenan Stadium here Oct.

19. About 9.000 tickets still remain for the contest, but these were expected to be sold soon. GREENSBORO (UPI) Quarterback Jim Rossi, of State, and Duke halfback Jay Wilkinson emerged as the leading Atlantic Coast Conference ground gainers. Rossi leads the ACC in total offense and passing yardage while Wilkinson ranks first among the league's running backs. Rossi has run and passed for a total of 408 yards during the Wolfpack's three consecutive wins over Maryland, Southern Mississippi and Clemson.

He has also completed 30 of 49 passes for 369 yards and four touchdowns- an average of 61.2 per cent. Dick Shiner of win-hungry Maryland, the conference's top offensive threat a year ago, trails Rossi in both departments. Shiner has 331 yards total offense and has completed 27 of 55 tosses for 282 yards and three touchdowns. Wilkinson has picked up 171 yards for the unbeaten Blue Devils in only 27 carries for an average of 6.3 yards a try. The swift halfback gained only 279 yards in 10 games a year ago.

Maryland's Len Chiaverini, the 1962 conference rushing champ, is second to Wilkinson with 158 yards in 46 attempts. Duke, Carolina and Clemson set the pace among the team statistics. The Blue Devils lead in total offense with 303.3 yards a game, in rushing offense at 172.7 yards and in pass offense with 130.7. Winless Clemson, however, is tops in total defense with an average yield of 191 yards a game and in rushing defense at 101. Carolina tops pass defenders with a miserly 27 yards a game.

TOTAL OFFENSE. Pis Yds Avg Rossi, State 68 408 Shiner, Maryland 93 331 3.6 Edge, Carolina 65 307 4.7 Parker, Clemson 262 3.9 Glacken, Duke 210 4.6 Black, Carolina 203 Wilkinson, Duke 190 Reeves, S. Carolina 3 198 4.2 Dunphey, Virginia 179 2.9 RUSHING. Player, School Rushes Yds Avg Wilkinson, Duke 27 171 6.3 Chiaverini, Maryland 158 3.4 State 139 5.4 Rosen, S. Carolina 28 127 4.5 Crain, Clemson 39 118 3.0 Willard, Carolina 118 3.2 Curtis, Duke 103 3.2 Kester, Carolina 100 5.9 Futrell, Duke 98 Piccolo, Wake Forest 94 4.3 PASSING OFFENSE.

Player, School At Cmp Int Yds TDS Rossi, State 49 30 369 Shiner, Maryland 55 282 Parker, Clemson 56 27 254 Edge, Carolina 246 Black, Carolina 143 Glacken, Duke 35 224 Uible, Duke 134 Reeves, Carolina 135 Dunphey, Virginia football 43.4 yards it be right) is the Either all seven in the right) is the Dave with 10 kicks. averaged from Tarboro. in 16 boots. Gus Andrews (upper extra point kicker. He has made attempts.

Glenn Sasser (lower kickoff man. He has been busy, Both Andrews and Sasser are What Sandy Wants Is More Victories NEW YORK (AP)-Sandy fax, hero of the 1963 World Series, said Tuesday his ambition is to win more games than anyone else in baseball-but he admitted "I'd have to be fortunate to do that." The winningest pitcher in the game is the legendary Cy Young, who won 511 and lost 313 in a career that ran from 1890 to 1911. Koufax has a record of 93-65 with the Los Angeles Dodgers, not counting the two brilliant vicory over. the New York Yankees in the Series. He is 27 and even if he had 15 more seasons with 25 victories each, as he did in 1963, he would only be up to 468.

"But anyway I'd like to win as many as I can," he said. Koufax, slender, handsome and soft-spoken, unveiled his dream at a luncheon here in his honor. The occasion was the presentation to him of a sports car as the outstanding player of the Series. Police put a $15 ticket on it when it was parked on the sidewalk in front of the restaurant- and the donors said Koufax would have to pay it. Koufax had only praise for the Yankees, beaten four straight by the Dodgers.

He particularly singled out Joe Pepitone, the Yankee first baseman whose muff of Clete Boyer's throw paved the way for the winning run in the final game, taken by the Dodgers 2-1. "Pep had a great season, and helped the Yankees win the said Koufax. "I'd heard about the Yankee's $3 million infield. It's as good an infield as ever saw in baseball. And the outfield is great.

"But we did everything right for four days. We had fought and scratched to win the pennant. We had the kind of ball club where every day we needed somebody to do something special. "Bill Skowron had a tough year. I don't think the Moose disliked the Yankees for trading him to us, but one of the biggest thrills we got was the way Moose played in the Series.

help but feel were fortunate. If the Yankees had State's Barlow Receives Praise Of Sports Mag End Ray Barlow, who was a quarterback as a freshman at State, has been honored by Sports Illustrated as Linemanof-the-Week for his outstanding work in the 7-8 victory at Clemson. Barlow caught a 77-yard pass from Jim Rossi for the winning touchdown. He stopped one Clemson threat by recovering a fumble on the State 17-yard line. He was a strong defensive player throughout.

Ray is a 6-2 junior from Crewe, who weights 201 pounds. He also is a baseball pitcher who is good enough to have some professional scouts interested in him. City Cage Meeting The athletic division of the 1 Re leigh Recreation Department will have a basketball organizational meeting Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in the Council Chambers at 311 Municipal Building. All persons planning to enter or sponsor teams in the various leagues are urged to attend.

beaten us in the fourth game I think they might have taken in a row. When it was tied at one run each the only thing I could think of was how long will Whitey Ford and I have to go on before this thing ends. I didn't want to give up any more runs and I know Whitey didn't either. "I had two big thrills the Series-first when I thought the last game was over and when it really was over." He referred to the fact that in the ninth inning of Sunday's game with two out, second baseman Dick Tracewski dropped the peg that would have ended it. On a more realistic basis than Koufax' hopes of winning more games than anyone else is what he called his "real winning my next Pro Basketball Cincinnati 132, Baltimore 97 A Rainy Day For Two Is Fur LARGEST and attorney said.

On Tuesday, Lewis filed the complaint in which Cepeda charged his wife, Anna, with extreme cruelty. News media quickly headlined the story. Cepeda said it wasn't true, then left home with his wife, whom he married in Puerto Rico Dec. 1960. Lewis finally straightened out the affair when he told a news conference Tuesday afternoon, shortly after conferring with Cepeda, that Orlando said, "There is no question he advised me to file the complaint and he signed it.

"He thought it was not a public filing. He was very shocked to learn the newspapers would find out about it. He further says he is now reconciled and they are as happy as the day were they married." A reporter commented that Cepeda apparently has the newspapers to thank for his reconciliation. Lewis just smiled. Hockey Results Boston 4, Montreal SELECTION of Ladies' Men's COATS JACKETS In NORTH CAROLINA in Matching Maincoats by London Two London Fog Maincoate, one in his wardrobe and one in hers, are specially designed to go together.

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The News and Observer from Raleigh, North Carolina (2024)


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