Times Record News from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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Wichita Falls, Texas

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Monday April 19 1948 Wichita Falls Record News fhono 4391 Want Ad Headquarters 2 Grand Jury Brings Lobbyists From Cover Voters Throng To Polling Places Omsted Home Damaged By Fire A Sunday afternoon fire which was confined principally to the living room did sn estimated $800 damage tn the home of Mr and Mrs Ollnn Omsted 1606 Twenty-third while the family was away at a movie Omsted said that they left the house at 5 The fire alarm was turned in at 5:26 and by the time the engines from three stations arrived the entire living room was a mass of flames the firemen reported The blaze was believed to have started from a cigarette dropped in an upholstered chair Hose was laid to fir plugs but the fire was extinguished with water from the tanks of three booster pumps before the pressure from the mains was needed Firemen said that smoke damage to the remainder of the house was heavy a Duke Beats Drums For Hotel Orchestra white sulphur springs Va April IS (4V-The Duke of Windsor after 29 years played a repeat performance here last night with the Greenbrier Hotel orchestra He sat in at the drums using a air of sticks presented him by eidrr Meyer Davis as the musicians played Are Things In Glncra Morra?" Davis dean of society orchestra leaders recalled that the Duke then the prince of Wales and gay young sat in with his orchestra as a dmmmer on his first visit to the Greenbrier in 1919 Palace Guards Burst Into Full Bloom Again 10NDON April 18 The war's over for the Buckingham Palace guards King George decided today that they may wear on ceremonial occasions the gaudy full dress which once made them one of the sights of London The guards have been in battle dress since Hitler attacked Poland in 1939 Mrs Jessie Brandon Rifes At McGregor Funeral services were conducted from Owens 8c Rrumley Chapel Sunday at 4 for Mrs Jessie Pearl Brandon 52 of 409 Chester who died in a hospital here Saturday The body remained at Owens Brumley Sunday night and will be taken overland to McGregor Monday for burial at 2 George If Stephenson minister of the Tenth and Austin Streets Church of Christ officiated Among survivors is a daughter Mrs Maribell Fewcll who resides in Wichita Falls Affiee Says 'No' To Arms For Jews LONDON April 18 (JV-Prime Minister Attlee has turned down a proposal for the British to legalize and help arm the Jewish Palestine force Haganah it was disclosed today He said the British do not sec that it would be conducive to peace either to recognize independent and purely Jewish or to furnish offensive weapons for either Jew or Arab He took this stand in an exchange of letters with Professor Brodetsky president of the board of deputies of British Jews The letters were made public at a board meeting today Walter Duvall Dies At Burkburnett Special la The SececS Ktw BURKBURNETT April Walter Duvall 51 a resident of Burkburnett fur 30 years died at his home here at 2:20 a Sunday following an illness of six months He had bten desperately ill the past 30 days Duvall operated the Burkburnett Gin Grain and Elevator Company several years He was an auditor for the Popular Furniture Company in Wirhita Falls when he became ill He was very active in civic affairs here throughout his lengthy residence He was a former member of the city council and school board and for irnni time served as a member of the boards of stewards of the First Methodist Church He was active in the work of his church where he had taught a men's Bible class and served as Sunday School superintendent Funeral services will be held at 2:30 Monday from the First Methodist Church with the Rev Herbert Minga pastor officiating Interment will be In the Burk-buraett Cemetery under direction of Owens Brumtey Funeral Home Survivors include the widow one son Duvall Wichita Falls two daughters Mrs Doris Ini I Jiwtnn Okla and Mrs Jane Cagle Fort Worth four brothers Karl Duvall of Fort Worth Tom Duvall of Kerman Calif Lanis Duvall of Loa Angeles and Will Duvall of Austin four sisters Mrs Charles Lewis Wichita Falls Mrs Eli Marshall Byers: Mrs Gordon Moore Sherman Mrs Belle Garner Los Angeles and four grandchildren Only two naval officers have ever held seats in the Senate: Commo Robert Stockton of New Jersey and A rim Thomas Hart of Connecticut Youth Council Holds Hayride Exactly 125 young people from the venous Wichita Falls churrh-es turned out Saturday night for the first Christian Youth Council hayride of the season Three large trucks loaned with hay earned the group to the George Keith Ranch where a wiener roast was scheduled for 7 A sing-song and a campfire program was planned for the remainder of the evening and the group returned to town about 1050 Adult sponsors of the group who attended were: Mrs I) Martin Mrs A Mitten and Mrs R- Ramsey and the secretaries of both the YWCA and the YMCA joint sponsors of the Council Feb Gould was general chairman for the outing Miss Jimmie Brent was social chairman and Norms Grace Madeod food chairman 0 -Youth Is Arrested In Assault Case A Wichita Falls youth believed to be a juvenile was arrested by officers of the sheriff's riepait-mert early Sunday morning and being Held for juvenile officers awaiting possible action Monday on a rape complaint made by a If ear-old Wichita Falla girl Although the boy gave his age as If PiMrirt Attorney Clyde Fillmore said that he has reason to believe he is Just 10 The youth father said that he would produce a certified copy of his birth certificate Monday morning establishing his age as 10 Fillmore said The alleged offense was supposed to have oemred Saturday night at Weeks Park outside the city Lmits 0 Wichiton Enters Race For UT Relays Honor AUSTIN Tessa April Kenneth Charles Spell of Wichita Falls is mounting his soap box on the University of Texas campus to announce his candidacy for male sweetheart of the Junior Texas Bclsrs sponsored by Alpha Chi Omega aorial sorority Fourteen fraternities have entered candidates for sweetheart of the relays which will be April 24 Spell son of Spell If 14 Speedway Wichita Falls represents Kappa Alpha order WASHINGTON April 18 The justice department today reported a big Jump in Inbbyng registrations since a grand jury here started looking into the situation Irving Kaufman special assistant to Attorney General Clark said in a statement that 190 lobbyists' registered with te house and senate during the frs quarter of this year Lauren Suspended By Unhappy Studio HOLLYWOOD April 18 iD Warner Brothers studio announced tonight that Lauren Bacall had been placed on the suspended for her refusal to acrept a In the picture Girl From Jones Beach" The studio said the actress objected to the role then refused to show up for the first takes Si: was reported to be with her husband Humphrey Bogart on their boat in Pacific waters tonight DR GEORGIA STRUBLE CHIIOPIACTOB Offices at 13081 Elovcnth St Thono 2-8387 SCU 'UD lof il MhdGChgie Phene (Jfc OIL PRODUCERS and DRILLERS Why leave good drilling mud in pita when we can move it to your now location and save you money? Also for Tank Cleaning Water Hauls Road Oiling Pit and Cass Fool Cleaning Call Vacuum Tanks Inc Phono 2-6701 Night 6320 Mother Smothers Two Children LOS ANGELES April II (UP) The bleeding wife of a navy lientenant staggered tn a neighbor's home today and reported she had suffocated her two babies and then tried for 30 hours to kill herself Doctors at General Hospital said the woman Mrs Helen Anna Northway 43 wa in serious condition but probably will live Firestone Park sheriff deputies found the bodies of her two children Patrick Eugene 3 and Dennis Lloyd 10 months in their rumpled bed Their faces were buried under pillows with which Mrs Northway said she suffocated them Friday night Officers found a scribbled note that shed no light on the slayings and Mrs Northway refused to explain her actions love she sobbed hysterically of her children as she lay on the operating table Her husband Lt Herman Northway was at sea aboard the USS Gen Mitchel Northway spears perfectly rational but she refuses to talk about what she did" attendants at General Hospital said Dr A Carleton said rut on her wrists and neck win- "at lent two daya old' He said she wa suffering mainly from loss of blood From the few sentences of explanation Mrs Northway uttered to her neighbors and from a study of her house offirers pieced together her story Sometime between 9 and 10 o'clock Friday night she went tn her room As they slent she buried their fares under a pillow She held them there until thev stopped breathing Then she went (o the kitchen and slashed her wrists and neck with a butcher knife Later she cut herself some more in the bathroom with her husband's razor Some lime later she turned on most of the gas jets In the house She also set fire to the living-room rug in an attempt to burn the house down Offirers found blond In the bathtub kitchen and bedroom where she trailed it as she wandered through the house awaiting death Museum Burglars Take Historic Jeweled Swords LONDON April 18 (JV-Burglars today stole two gold-hilled jewel-scabbardcd swords that ones belonged tn the Duke of Wellington from the Victoria and Albert Museum The swords are valued by the museum at 1000 pounds $4000) The Duke who defeated Napoleon at Waterloo received one of the swords from the inhabitants of Bengal India in 1804 and the other from Russian Czar Alcxan-der I in 1814 130 Nocona Dogs Given Vaccine For Rabies Special The Brrard Hew i NOCONA April 18 More than 130 dogs have received rabies shots here under the direction of A Coston vocational agriculture tearher The program was launched at the request of the city commission In addition In vaccinating pets of residents all strays possible were rounded up and given the shots Burma Claims Victory Over 300 Communists RANGOON Burma April 18 (Fh A government communique said today the army had fought a battle jn rentral Burma with 300 Communist rebels killing 50 and capturing 80 while suffering one casualty The battle took place in a village in the district of Myingyan said the communique were no unofficial marks on them Officials ssiri that the communique was issued because some voters in Rome and Bologna who were handed folded ballots found they had already been marked in favor of the Communist popular front Mario Scelba the Christian Democrat minister of the interior acted a threat to his appeal to the voters to turn out lie said those whose certificates showed they had not voted were in danger of losing good conduct cards necessary to Italians in travel and business Very high voting percentages were reported from nffirial and unofficial sources In Venice 70 percent had voted by 5 In some of Turin's industrial precincts 90 per cent had voted In the anti-Communist center of the town the percentage at 5 was around 70 Voting Heavy Both Naples and Bari In tha south had heavy morning balloting At Taranto the voting was so heavy despite rain that local officials predicted a 95 per cent franrhbe Upper and middle class families on ancient Aventine Hill in Rome had turned nut 75 per cent strong by mid-afternoon This was matched In pro-Cnmmunist Ponte Milvio district where SO per rent voted thrre hours after the polls opened Throughout Italy cities and towns reported heavy police guards on the street In Turin police kept all electioneering more than 800 feet from the polls Age Limits All eligible men and women 21 years or over could vote for the chamber of deputies while those 25 or over could vote for the senate The senate will nave 237 members elected for six years In order tn -win a candidate needs 05 per rent of the vote in his district or If no one gets that many not many do the votes are juggled around until enough senators are chosen Candidates must be 40 years old The president of the Republic Is empowered for this election to nominate an additional 114 senators on the basis of their services to the nation anti-Fascist records or other merits He also has the constitutional right to name not more than five other senators as outstanding representatives Italian culture in the fields of science art 'literature and the social sciences S5S Members Thus tha senata may have up to 356 members The chamber of deputii Is elected under a system of proportional representation Tha number of scats each party gets depends on its char of the totgl vote There will be 574 seats Candidates must he 25 yean old On May both houses will meet to elect their officers Two days later they will choose a president Tense Senate Fight Cuts Party Lines (Centlnued From Page One) delay on the house-approved billion for added air power House members rushed approval of more than S3000000000 billion for the air power last week by a top-heavy 343 to I vote Maybank wants the senate to do the same thing Gurney has called another closed-door session of the armed sendees group tomorrow morning in an attempt to reach some agreement on the defense plan" which Secretary Forrestal wants It calls for 55 air groups added manpower for the army and navy the temporary draft and UMT Chances for any quick agreement appeared slight Bridges said he will not auk the Senate Appropriations committee tn consider the special air force fund bill until group has reached its decision If It's Electrical Coll INDUSTRIAL and RESIDENTIAL PHONE 3343 NITI 3-1795 1113 Scott sD RIVE! I Ns ON IOWA PARK ROAD Walt Disney's "FUN AND FANCY FREE" In Technicolor With EDGAR BERGEN and DINAH SHOKE Pina: Edgar Kennedy Comedy (Ceetineed From Page One) president who in turn will select a premier The Communists have no representation in the present cabinet polling hours were a to 10 from i to 1 The verdict of the ballots is expected by late Tuesday when the electoral office has promised to report returns for the chamber of deputies Senate returns are expected Monday evening If Warning The world will know then if Italy has decided upon a Communist government and all the implications that choice entails The United States which has poured 12000000000 into Italy for food and supplies since the war has warned that a Communist victory may mean Italy's exodus from the European recovery program If the Communists get around third of the vote as some Washington officials think they will still be in a position to demand a part in the new government Pslmirn Tngliatti leader of the Italian Communist biggest in Europe outside Russia voted in a primary school near the chamber of deputies The ministry of interior Issued a communique warning poll presidents to hand open ballots to the voters after being certain there Wichita Falls 4 4 4 4 4 Folks Facts Fancies Births Mr and Mrs CUff 242S Bar fcsiejr a girl at Irthinit Hospital At The Hospitals WICHITA OCKCB4L Malilti Baa? Ma Mu Chandler SIS Onola Hmrs Ruaaiac tas William Oaina Burhkurastt Miaa Imogma Wollbara SOS Missis- Iretjm Stewart Rout 1 Montague Tsaaa Mias Alreretta Keya IT1S Barer! jr Dei vo Lawrence Hevdrlrk ST12 Testa Mina Ora Bell McCoy Boa 742 Mias Sadis I Whitley Sea 1234 Bn-tra Miaa SUaabaCh Hard Wf Barvtae PmwlMod Saadap were: Miaa Hilda Jonea SIS Elm Miaa Oeaevter cape Bieetra Tesaa Min Berates Parker Bowto 1 Boa 1CJ Miaa Hera Lilllaa Hoove His Sev-eata Paul Sullivan tail Marshall Opal Orap IIS PI sod Mra Tommla Smith dad hahp girl lea Park Mra Ana Horton 1301 Thlrtp-alpth Doric 8 George Ml Clap Mine Maael Killian IT0S Huff BCTHAMIA Admitted Saadap note: Mn I Bvrtanle Orandheld Okla Carl Kahmaa Lana Wolf Okla Mra Oeam Bartlaft Sepmaur Road Wirhita Palls Mra John Morrison MS Bluff Mark Williama Continental Caurtt Btammed Saadap were: Mrs He ad arson and babp girl 14 Britain Mra Prank Sutton and babp hop awn Grant Mra Emma Bind I isos Bridge Mra Dana Spsrter 2000 Keeler Mra Bitter HIT Pearl Cook 3211 Jaiper PIBE BPPAKTMEWT ALABMg Has ladiaaa 1120 m- two-atnrp frame apartment houe ownad hp Dr Walter Adams ranee of fire un-kaotrn tlQO eactanated damage to la-aide wall a ad door ntinguiebed with af water' elation 7 4 3 aaawered 12M 11th 4 OS ra graaa and fence fire at rear af Casais King Grocery eatimated damage of 4100 to rear door of grorrrp sad to fence belonging tn Dana Btailono 2 and 1 called la rharx fire due la hudi wind and possible danger of vnaflaargMon THfPTS BKPOBTPD TO POLICE Leonard Bonne 200 Brtrb raprated theft of auu of ruatom made rlothee valued at Ml from residence Satur-dap Screen cut and entrance made be window Gump WUiaims toot Wand- reported theft ef purae and 1170 cash at 30 Saturday night la by lorre Zada Barton rear of Tflg Travis reported theft of a id tire and wheel from iota Chevrolet Prldae airht Mra Murray 1704 Magnolia reported theft of package of merchandise from a counter where she left It momentarily la a downtowa store Baturdav The parkas contained pair of ladies tad shoes pair of lade pa lama a container of shoe polish and a bust uses latter addressed la Mra Murray Bill Tnranpann 3213 Blrrh reported then of 3 Bee King outboard motor from residence garage "aametMne since April II- I L-AMTrSl iiinTii" STAIJVYCK IJIVEI1 LAST DAY "CALL NORTHSIDE 777" STARTS TUESDAY $5312 A YEAR UHUKSURillJi rne sa4 iMt TrtfNMM MM Expert Wotch Repairing Moderate prices One-week service All work guaranteed SiTiRWNlD tmm tes wrrn WMMC K'Ai I A XT DAY Zane Grey's WESTERN UNION Randolph Xratt Robert Yeeng Virginia GUmere Dean Jaggvr Slim Senunenrille Mighty Mese Cai LAST DAY "THE MIRACLE OF THE BELLS" STARTS Tl'ESDAT Wichita's Poonlar DR Now Showing 'THE SWORDSMAN" TECHNICOLOR with LARRY TARKS On Jarksboro nigh way SOUTHWESTERN WAIT BIG AUCTION MAY Ith New Watches 9 New leases At Tew Own Price Brown's Jewelry 401 IlgM Pfcaae 4133 Aerate Street Frem Halt Natal END FAIN AT 0NCE1 NEVER wit! IVmwt worm tnm fr am tight rim Mk Hr SrtmU'e Zee p4t JTlfU awl tmu'll Mra mm Irma twlnii) TilMOMOHl -if jrmt Imm mm-Zlm parte triH rat palatal ahm tnrlma end lift lira at awe! OatoMy tiaaw Carua Yea'S mam4 Inn km 7hw- pali euirhlv re- DARIO IS Thrilling ROXY Patron's Ivtry Monday Perianal Appearance RE WOD TaaisM EfiSiMVidrl A Real Coaiedy HU Wall Groomod Bride Ray Mllland Benny Tafts Olivia Dellavllland NEW CARTOON RBTEXRN Today Tha West In Color Out California Way Mootc Hale Adraln Booth CARTOON SffiSRDXVJ 4:13 Exciting Thrills Johnny o'clock Dick Powell Evelyn Keyes CARTOON They work for the telephone company and they are buying American Telephone and Telegraph Company stock through regular payments out of wages in accordance with 0 a special company offer All regular Bell System employees who had six months service on August 31 were eligible to participate except officers of ATandT More than of these telephone men and women work for the Southwestern Bell Telephone Company They have a stake in the business beyond their jobfc They are partners as well as employees These are the hundreds of thousands of them throughout' the United who help to make the telephone company a good company and America a great country could only happen here NOBLE HARDWARE CO PLAYGROUND EQUIPMENT BELL TELEPHONE COMPANY 91517 Indiana Phone 22195.

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Author: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

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Name: Msgr. Benton Quitzon

Birthday: 2001-08-13

Address: 96487 Kris Cliff, Teresiafurt, WI 95201

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Introduction: My name is Msgr. Benton Quitzon, I am a comfortable, charming, thankful, happy, adventurous, handsome, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.