Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)

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jf -rs-s-rr' U' WICHITA DAILY TIMIfc WICHITA FALLA T1XAL MAY A (: I I-': FtriFionrTFt I TV sc mw IN SOCIETY'S REALM Trial May Salvo Peioen Mystery KlrksvUle No May Mysteries I of aa aausual character remain to be I solved la the case of professor John I IT Vangha for whoso death his widow Mrs Alma Proctor Vaughn sad I family physic laa Dr Janies Mini of Monroe City are soon to be placed hiww vht hpw ponni THE WAIL OF A BACHELOR Mr Morris Psora eutsrtalaod the members of the graduation class aad Ion trial The case of the widow Is oa a few friends at a delightful forty-two (the court docket for next Moaday but party oa Thursday erasing at his I la aaderatood that stroag efforts hom*o 901 Aaslia avenue Thoiw were rUl bmado to have the trial delayed ala tables aad the eoagsalal party of I probably until this fall term of court girts nnd boys had royal good tlmo I Prof Vaugha who was instructor la togsthar Americas history at the State Normal I After tho playlag the greater part of I School died October It of last year at I the evening delicious strawberry hls Kirksville hom*o under peculiar I I am moat unlucky man la aurttcra of Ut heart rraa youth bwa my vltk to play A matrimonial part I mart hatr hoped a hundred tlmeo Aad la a huadred ways But all la vala a bachelor 111 hare to end my day a PSL My Erat loro I remember veil Miss Shipp her I adored But wbea I aahed her to be my mate She threw me overboard Mlaa Cone wua next I told her that hr her I paed bat a ho 'Said la a husband she desired never pitch oa me cream and cake was served to the following guests: Messrs Parker Childress Gertrude Orthu Gladys Tram blood Alicea Wagner Treasa Smith Maude Walker Aanle Csrrigna Agues IMA Adee Woods Lllllsa Aria aad Messrs Joan Cuice Craig WUIIam Dllderback ierome 8toae Waasa Taa- clrc*mstaaces Ha had been la feet health aad attended charrh la I the evening At tea o'clock Prof Vaugha left the church after ha Informed one of his Mends that ho had some work-to do at eould not stay la church nay longer Half aa hoar later a message was iw- ger Burton fitayton Clarence Barnett cel rad at the chuck that Prof: Vaugha Blak lflLl JW I a I asked Mlsa Pago to be my bride She taraed mo down alas! Mlsa Wicks msdo Ugh! of my request Miss Hay said: "Go to Miss Bird I begged to fly with mo 1 Bat ate could give ao hope Mias Mellea listened to my please But said 1 cantelope" Ralph Math la Wayne Summon Ills Wylie Fuller Eugene Isley Withers Lee and Ernest Fain Miss Soule refused her heart to giro Miss King my queea to be la vala I begged Miss Frost to melt Mlsa Leach to stick to am Mlsa Pond threw water oa my hopes Miss Foote raised her hand I tried to pop to fhlr Mlsa Beach But did aot have the sand The Floral Ctak Tho Floral Club met lust Tuesday 1th Mrs Harry Robertson A program consisting of tho life of Foe and extracts from hla works was carried out The special featurra were Poe's life by Mrs Orlopp and hla master' piece the Raven by Mrs Gebhart The musician being absent Mrs Harris substituted with a reel tattoo "The Fettered Mrs Moors was sleeted president to toko tho place of Mrs Jourdaa After enjoying tho bountiful refreshments provided by the hostess aad a charming social lima the club adjourned to meet next Tuesday with Mrs Falu 1409 was la convulsions nnd Bfteen minutes later the nevn van brought that he I was dead Although the clrc*mstancea amending the sudden death were peculiar only a few per-1 sons considered 'the suspicious and tfiose were Inclined to believe that Professor Vaughn had accidentally to-1 ken poison Tho body of Prof Vangha was burl led at Monroe City the home of his widow who did aot display much grief over her bereavement Ten days after Vaughn's death Mm John Kirk wife of the president of the State Normal whoeo guest Mrs Vangha waa after the funeral of her husband beard her I guout play Meodleasohn'a Wedding March oa the piano In her parlor She I was greatly shocked and considered! Mrs Vaughn's action suspicious I enough to speak to her hnsbaad about It President Kirk communicated with Prof Vaugba'a brothers aad they began aa laroatlgatloa After they had wTfimiw aiivt umx bn Miss Pott 1 aahed to cook my beaas Miss Lodge with am to dwell I told Miss Ladd I bo her maa I tried to ring la Miss Bell Aad thus from aiald to auild I wea Proposing but la Alas! a lonely bachelor destined to remain la Boston Transcript if -W Mlsa Esther Coniine Is visiting In Port Worth this week Mrs Mackechney of Abilene la tho guest of Or Muckechney aud family I 1 Honestly now if you knew that you eould come to our bkop and obtain suit Made in New York in tke moat recent and popular New York style wouldn't you buy jt in preference to any other? You can: it is j'uit limply a nutter of coming Benjamin Clothes are Made in New York but they're for sale here They have sfi the cleverness that New York designers can put into them and all tke high clan tailoring that New York workmen can give a Mrs A Marcua entertained number of her friends Informally i ftaftranomtta hohar Ltg rawasi ml lh dlverstoa for the if- took official cognizance of tho matter ordered aa inrartlgmtloo in spite were enthusiastically eaterod lato by tbc Mrg vaagha and Mra A Reedy left Monday for a ala weeks visit with Meads la Kansas City Little Mlaa Aden Marcus la quite tick with the measles at her home mi the gueeU- After a fsw hoars been enjoysbly whiled away the host-i served delicious refreshment! Thoaa forming the afternoon's pleasant company won: Mesdamea Mae-kechney Bacon hladdox Moora Gates Cotter Woodward Fitzpatrick Almond McCuae and Mlssesa Cora aad dora Coons and Ladllt Sherrod Mrs A Csrrlgaa aud little daughter Elisabeth visited la Fort Worth tho latter part of the week attorneys tho body of Frol Vaughn was ashamed aad tho viscera ware turned over to Or Paul Schweitzer of tho Missouri State Vnlveftlty for analysis -Whsa Dr Schweitzer reported that ha had found 49-65 of a gitln or nearly la whole grata of Aryehnlno In tho stomach aad Urar of Or Vaughn the coronara jury hara a verdict In con-ormlty with the findings aad the grand Jury Indicted Mra Vaughn and Or Hall of Monroe City for the murder iff Ainwi vi nvuivv uvi Mir uv nnnur Mrs Fits patrlck will be hostess to the Bridge Club on -Friday morning at her home 1S04 Austin street Miss Ruth Leech of Leonard Is ths guest of her sisters Mesdamea Kelley aad Sell aad Mlsa Laura aad 8usle RELIC OF FAMOUS RACE HORSE Noted Southern Statesman Recalled Jackson Miss May Tomorrow win mark the centenary of the birth mu wy Vaughn Both wore srmted nnd 51! 5 I bond for their np- dent Buchanan and one of the lead-1 rtaI 7 lag pubUe men of Mississippi Bore fc £52" 7 Itorth Carolina oa May 15 1110 Mr Mrt Vaug who Is 55 years of age 5 I Bn4 UU vivacious la I tU daBhlw K- Proctor a waa choaea to congress aa a democraL maithy bank director aad the niece of Mtu Smith and little daughter Murine returned Thursday from a week's visit with friends la Seymour le 'Mrs Herbert Hughes and little baby of Dnllaa are the guests of Mr And Mrs Wiley Blair on Tenth street CtuiUtaM HpUriai NEATLY Bmm The Order of the Day Tofs FALLflME or WINTER or SPRING serve aa much aa possible of it' and It cum back beautifully finished minus only the skin that had corand tho foot aad legs aad long bright haln of tho mans and tall nmalnlag to fall gncefully over tho head and foot of tho conch which the coat of the celebrated equine now coven la the halt way of Mr home St Blaise was bred la England by Lord Arlington nnd was foaled In 1510 Aa a l-yaar old ha won four of his sin races Including walkover and dead this latter with Elaerar la the Mole-comb stakes at Goodwood-St Louis Republic Mlae Mabel Clapp win entertain the St Mary's Guild from 4 to I o'clock oe Wednesday afternoon at her home on Eleventh street or SUMMER An Now tho Taka Tour Measure and Build Ton that Summer Suit I will Build It ns Ton Want It Gl The 8L Maty's Guild was pleasantly entertained at the home eT Mlae Gladys Bowenock 90S Lamar street oa Wednesday afternoon from 4 to 9 After the business meeting light refreshments were served' Hlda of Animal Valued at 9HMM0 Couch Cover Thera le among the poaaeastoua'of August Belmont In tho reeldeaco oe- Dr Proctor president of tho Monroe copied by Superintendent Ed Kane at City (Mo) Bank She reputed to be I Nursery stud near Lexington Ky wealthy la her own right nnd hna9100J)00 conch cover which waa great-many wealthy and Influential relatives I ly admired by Eleanor Robson tho la various parti of the state She be-1 charming bride of the great financier iwaimatifla ti nrfrtna nr tnnlcm Vaughn wbea turfman and chairman of tho Jockey to he ParlR Mo high Chib when rocently they rtoppMoff WWto bT thm of h00 01 wUch Vauh koMFmoon entourage for leBlntttuffMtoslarippi had 2 couch did not actually coat 1100 ad Mr pTm3 to I rtaUw '0W ng and Ito market ral- I posed the marriage to a man fifteen ua- baaed on the price of choicest years her senior They seemed to live leather Is nothing approximating 'that happily and had mo child a little girl vast sum but the of tho Nnr-now almost raven years old ssry would doubtless preclude its sale It la tho general belief that If Mrs let any price This couch cover la the aUedecamD to General Benuraran! in I hd ta om caused the hide and hair of the celebrated nee the field la the JSTof ism he 15? 1 hBhaaJ hr motlT wu hone and sire BL Blaise who had the went to 5 01 ktitlon of having bee raid tarn mlaalonar Hi deatt nniined ta rhCh to RUoa for HOODOO and who under the Memphis Much 14 1555 to pect vlH throw I weight of bin twenty-nine years nnd 'some startling light upon the relations attendant infirmities iff old ago died Because he pulled the ame of the 15 O01" girls coming out of tho school build- 52 5 Kane aent tho rich several years the fnmllyphysicia of cheetunt coot of 8L Blaise to tanner tho Vaughns Dr Hull Is fifty yean New Tortf with instructions to proof age and has a wlfo and married daughter It le understood that tho state win try to prove that Dr Hull building a certain young nun fas Cincinnati! was arrested nnd fined If that had happened Is Tenon the andertaker would hara hod a Job oa hla hands I if um fcrtSSJ Whan Too Want It -Tou accepted Patterns and SuiUnga Choose your Material Botoct your favorite stylo and let me Prove Thai on Clothes Building I can Satisfy Ton On Quality of Material Workmanship nnd Price Notice la Stock Owners Br WTgga Veterinary Burgeon In now located la Gilbert's now brick barn An upto-dato veterinary hospital la being established nnd then an ample facilities for can nnd treatment iff animals Dr Wlggs also his a small hospital for dogs at 50 nranuA Call telephone No 14 for office or 459 for residence Calls answered day or night g09-6t Mrs Cotter was hostess for the Bridge Club on Friday morning of Inst wet Several pleasant hours were spent around the bridge-table after which the hostess served luncheons to Mesdames Wetter Moon Reedy Smith Marcos aad Fitzpatrick PEiunr- I HINT Tenth st 11 Wichita Falls Food! FOsdl Foodl Phono I7 for eual and trod klnn- of all Tho class of the Baptist Sunday school met with Clyde Smith Thursday night nnd all present hod a very good time -Refreshments were nerved which was greatly enjoyed PrseenL Clyde Smith EU Morgan Otis Nelson Luther Robertson Ollf Baan-cham' Ira Lawjer visitors wan Audrey Addicts Abble Thompson mu rmrnu D5JW a of tb tai M-iu "22 11 'asrsnl times and carried on a rather I I i J- -V Ginginninl its Food value THE OLD RELUOLE We thank the people of Wichita Falls for their liberal patronage for the past atreral seasons and wish to let them know that we appreciate In this connection we wish to annonnee that our delivery wag -u wra ew HMilUUUVG vur UCilYCT Wig intimate corrospondenee with her Neither Mrs Vaugha nor Dr HnR showed any disposition to ovada aer-l vleo with the papen laanod them aad It la considered strong nr-l gnmaat la their favor It Is an actual fleet that Mrs Vaugha voluntarily cams from Monroe City to Klrkerfilel to accept aervlce She as well sal Dr HuB deny that they were In any waynsponslble for the death of Frol Vaughn or that they had the slightest I motive for removing him Mra Vangha has made the statement that her late husband had been In the habit of car- lying medidno with him and that the night of hie death ihoitly after hlf iwtara from church he had taken a white powder which he mid was! qatalae wrapped la piece of tissue) The peper was found la Chef tomach topthor with some udlgaat ad 1 ona will be ran to everr portion of the city both resident and business die- tricta and the more patrwla we have to serve the better we like it There need be no fear of not getting goodaenrice bv giving ni your orders for we expect to take care pf oar patrons at all errata even if we are forced to dontde oar force of teams and men Again thanking yon lor year patron age and soliciting a continuance of same we' beg to remain Yoarq Greatfally i Feed! Feed! coal and fend of an furnlikgg tke ekeapegt faad Seat food A persoa can livs wdl and live inexpensively on cereals and vefetaklea Cut out el your dafly diet aaeat foods lor a time aad lime oa natural Ibodfci Dr Priee's Alfrala Food is tke oaeklsd of liMdtdUdisatfaSfif Aak your Grocer 1 'iZi ft: US-tf PHONE MARICLE COAL COL 'f'ff-ri.

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Wichita Falls Times from Wichita Falls, Texas (2024)


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Author: Arline Emard IV

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Name: Arline Emard IV

Birthday: 1996-07-10

Address: 8912 Hintz Shore, West Louie, AZ 69363-0747

Phone: +13454700762376

Job: Administration Technician

Hobby: Paintball, Horseback riding, Cycling, Running, Macrame, Playing musical instruments, Soapmaking

Introduction: My name is Arline Emard IV, I am a cheerful, gorgeous, colorful, joyous, excited, super, inquisitive person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.